About Us
Headquartered in Central Kuala Lumpur, Michael Chai & Co have been providing legal advice and services since 1994. We are a firm that exists to make your life easier. Our ability to provide clear, practical solutions through an otherwise complex web of legal jargon has resulted in us maintaining an impressively high retention rate among our clients worldwide. We ensure that we are personal enough to provide the tailored service clients expect, and each case is overseen by one of our Partners, who collaborates closely with our team at all levels. Our expertise is also widely acknowledged within our profession, both in Malaysia and elsewhere. We have received numerous national legal awards.
As a firm, we are currently providing a full range of legal services to a wide range of large multinationals, public listed companies, as well as private businesses, financial institutions and individuals. The Firm maintains extensive global legal network links with foreign law firms and agencies. The Firm is an active member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA), the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), the Association Internationale Pour La Protector De La Propriale Industrielle (AIPPI) and the ASEAN Intellectual Property Association (AIPA).
Our Services

Banking & Finance

Corporate & Commercial

Intellectual Property & Information Technology

Conveyancing & Property

Building & Construction

Employment & Industrial Relations

Insurance, Shipping & Aviation

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Tax & Revenue
Michael Chai, Managing Partner
LL.B (Hons) University of Buckingham, UK Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn, London BSc (Hons) Chemistry University of Surrey UK, Advocate and Solicitor, Malaya and Singapore

Welcome to our page
Starting my practice in 1991, I have had over 30 years of legal experience representing a wide variety of clients, not limited to multinationals, public listed companies, private businesses, financial institutions and individuals. I am a Director in several public listed multinational companies, ranging from Banking, Engineering, and Retail. In 2016 I was appointed as a Director of a Government Agency which functions as the National Policy Research Agency on Maritime Affairs. MIMA was set up by the Malaysian Government to look into matters relating to Malaysia’s interest at sea, and to serve as a national focal point for research in the maritime sector. I was appointed as Secretary General of the National Chamber of Commerce And Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM), where we work with the government to tackle national challenges and create reform within the business sector. I currently serve as the Deputy President of The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (KLSCCI) and Deputy Secretary-General of The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM), where we engage and work with the government representing the business community.
our Values
We pledge to provide our clients with effective and efficient service. As a firm, we work hard to meet the needs, demands, and expectations of our clients. We also work hard to provide our clients with the knowledge, skill, loyalty, creativity, tenacity, and care they require in order to achieve their goals in the most efficient way possible. We hire and keep the best staff and attorneys in order to achieve these objectives..